Blogging: What Does It All Come Back To?

Soheil Tabrizi
2 min readDec 25, 2020

I’ve taken on the challenge to publish daily, and although I have slipped on a some days but I’ve still managed to publish at least 3 to 4 times every week. I was listening to a recent Russell Brunson podcast where he talked about one of his colleagues who was having a hard time finding his rhythm when publishing which he eventually figured out, and I thought I’d share this with you here today.

This is something that I thought about too subconsciously that okay, I’m going to publish everyday but I want it to be targeted or have a story and not just random articles put out haphazardly. This way it would give you, the writer, a structure to write around as well as the person following and reading your blogs to have a clear understanding of what it is that your posts usually relate to. You can say it is something akin to branding yourself in the blogging world.

So the way to do this is by deciding what will all my articles eventually relate back to? What is the context of all the articles that you will be putting out? Will it somehow relate to entrepreneurship, self-help, sports, family or anything else which you have set out your journey on discovering. It will give your articles more direction and maintain relevance to your overall topic and cause.

For me, it’s documenting my eCommerce journey of starting a brand, setting up sales funnels and going about creating a successful eCommerce business whether for the company I work for or myself, and the skills I learn in either can be applied to both my own projects in the future or even other people’s projects where I can help them set up a similar thing by sharing my journey and expertise. I am still a novice, and even though in my current job I do have a level of skills and established myself but the eCommerce journey is something I am new to and looking to learn and build on everyday, and I’ll be sharing this journey with you through my blogposts here.



Soheil Tabrizi

Grew up and lived in Dubai for 18 years, started a new journey mid-Covid and moved to Toronto. Currently busy working on my 5-year goals. 10X!