Update: My First Funnel Launch And Facebook Ad

Soheil Tabrizi
2 min readDec 21, 2020

As mentioned in my previous posts I have made a funnel for the company where I work as well for one of their product lines. The funnel was launched 2 days ago and just wanted to give a quick update and feedback on how things are going.

We launched a PPE campaign which is optimized for engagements across Facebook’s various platforms. Such a campaign is aimed at gaining interactions such as shares, comments and likes. You are also able to see how many of those people your video reached have watched what percentage of the video. Two videos were used, one was a video which was less than 15 seconds and the other was a video which was more than 20 seconds. The shorter video did much better, almost 20 times more engagement which was quite a valuable finding for us. Right now we are producing more video content for other products as well and will be aiming to have them all be less than 15 seconds long.

However, we did not make any sales and having researched more and spoken to a few people who are further ahead on this journey than me they recommended I switch to a conversion campaign instead. Initially, our plan was to start with an engagement campaign to get feedback on our selected audiences as well as video content since an engagement campaign costs less than a conversion campaign which makes it better for testing. And then once we do have some data and feedback based on that we would go ahead and switch to a conversion campaign.

The audiences we tried targeting were people with outdoor recreation interests, as well as people from the Philippines and India who reside in Dubai. We also targeted online shoppers and shoppers in general. We will work more on our audience targeting and make additional tweaks. The budget for this campaign was set at $200 daily at the campaign level using Facebook’s new Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) algorithm. We then scaled it down to $150 daily as we were still getting sufficient and valuable data with the lower budget. It is generally recommended to set a budget of 3 to 5 times the price of your product or offer.

There is still a lot more to learn and I’m looking forward to flying back to Dubai next week to see my friends and have a discussion with them on eCommerce and our experiences. Some of them are further ahead in their journey so I’m looking forward this mini reunion.



Soheil Tabrizi

Grew up and lived in Dubai for 18 years, started a new journey mid-Covid and moved to Toronto. Currently busy working on my 5-year goals. 10X!